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Lucas Rollator - Monday 21 October 2021

Differences between a rollator and a standard walker

Coming to terms with the fact that you now require a mobility aid to assist you with movement is a crucial part of someone’s life. Many people, as they age, develop diverse conditions or aging problems that cause weakness, fragility, motor skills disease, and many others.

This is what makes them require mobility aids as an independent form of support. A few young people also use mobility aids in cases such as injuries or accidents. Since these walking aids will be used for a considerable length of time, it is essential to know the differences between both aids to be able to choose the most suitable one  for you.

Walkers and rollators are the most common type of mobility aids. People usually mistake one for the other and vice versa because they are very similar, with almost the same structures and features.

Differences between a rollator and a standard walker

A Rollator

A rollator can also be called ‘a wheeled walker,’ Rollators have a frame that bears three or four large wheels. It also has handlebars, a built-in seat and accessories such as shopping baskets or bags. Different types of rollators cater to different types of needs. The height-adjustable rollator would be necessary to fit height needs, while some rollators cater to specific weight sizes.

You may choose your rollator based on your specific needs. For those whose condition requires intermittent stops and rests, you would need a rollator as a better mobility aid.

A Standard Walker 

A walker, on the other hand, is more lightweight and less complicated. It has an easy-to-use hand-held frame with legs for movement. It is usually smaller than a rollator and is most useful for those who can walk but are unable to bear weight on both legs.

Most walkers are built with aluminium for easy portability; they have comfort grips made of rubber on the side rails and a gel to make them easy to grip. The legs have rubber tips that prevent a person from slipping and give excellent stability. They can also fold and unfold.

Walkers can be suitable for persons who have undergone hip replacement surgeries or if they need to manoeuvre tight spaces or find that the cane support is no longer enough.


Both walkers and rollators are suitable supports for people living with mobility difficulty. However, it is crucial to understand the different needs, uses, features, and types of support that these mobility aids offer. From the article, you would find that although both of them are quite similar in shape, structure, and primary usage, each of them fits specific needs for the elderly or immobile. Adequate knowledge of this would be useful in choosing the most effective walking aid for those in need. All you have to do is good research.

Top-quality Lucas Rollator

Are you in need of a high-quality rollator? The Lucas Rollator may be just what you're looking for. It boasts a balance of lightweight design and stability, and comes equipped with a range of essential accessories including a shopping bag, stick holder, and back support. You can try it out for 100 days at no obligation, and if it doesn't meet your needs, you can receive a full refund.

Lucas rollator

Lucas Rollator

  •  Lightweight & Foldable
  •  100 days of test driving
  •  Delivered ready-made
  •  Free delivery and returns

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